Monday, January 17, 2011

Rhode Island, 2010. Following My Heart.

There's nothing like flying to distort your sense of time, and my, time flies when you're....discombobulated.

Rhode Island, 2010, from 6/16 to 6/20. Such a short trip. But I got to take these things with me:
The feel of the Rhode Island sun with a rambunctious wind whipping around me...
The feel of being surrounded by water, though I was not...
The sight of my dad, looking, at times, lively, though preoccupied. He said something like, "Now you can see for yourself." I love it. He is not a quitter, but he does seem concerned about all the meds....
The taste of true New England "chowda", as a friendly Rhode Islander taught me to say it...I must say, it's good--
Knowledge, of what makes anyone go to this little state anyway. I just went to see my dad, but I can see other appeal in it...
A feeling of more closeness to Dad, Ann, my sister Amelia. I consider them all family and family is so important....
A little bit of jet lag, I mean, time flew while we were there, but it was relaxing...Dad would fix me a tall cup of java in the morning and I'd just sit and take my time with it, watching Austen and Amelia play with the cute little dog...and Austen got by just fine without t.v., a computer, or hand-held games, I had to let him take over the camera though..... so we've come back with lots of interesting pictures and maybe he's not so bad at this photography thing....
A taste for healthy, organic food, since that is what they eat at Dad's house, and I've got some new ideas now for recipes....
The sight of my dad opening his Father's Day card from me, soemthing I haven't seen in---how many years? Shoot, I'm 42, but I still want him to be my dad...
It was worth the jet lag. The disequilibrium. Such a short trip, as I've had to get Austen started with his Math tutoring ASAP.
So yes, jetlag, (I'm still discombobulated and sometimes feel as if rocking), but the experience too, and the memories. All are still here with me the day after.

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